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All Habs Hockey Party in Montreal: Habs vs Flyers

By on April 1, 2012 in Hockey Party

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Our mission here at All Habs is “to build a world-wide network of Montreal Canadiens fans who are informed, engaged, entertained, and connected”.  “It’s more than just meeting for hockey – it’s growing potential friendships,” says our friend Karine – perfectly summing up the reason why All Habs Hockey Parties are the premiere way to bring Habs fans together!
Karine and her boyfriend James attended their first All Habs Hockey Party last weekend.  James is a writer for All Habs and says, “I knew about the All Habs parties before, they are quite famous on Twitter.”  A Laval native (and life-long Habs fan), James admits that a little bit of shyness had prevented him from attending in the past but decided it was time to find out what all the festivities were about.  “I was very excited at the thought of meeting new people that shared the same passion I have for hockey!”

It was the March All Habs Night at McLean’s Pub in Montreal and the Habs were slated to take on the Flyers.  As is the case with every monthly All Habs event at McLean’s, attendees who had RSVP’d via Twitter or Facebook had special reserved seating in the center of the pub with fantastic views of the surrounding television screens, along with beer specials and menu discounts.  This was also James and Karine’s first visit to McLean’s.  “The multimedia setup (TVs, sound) was awesome and when I saw the menu I thought, ‘Oh well this is a great start!'” says Karine.
Soon they were joined by dozens of other Habs fans who were just as thrilled to meet each other and reunite with friends.  They, along with the full house of bar patrons, were ready to cheer on the Canadiens in a conference rivalry matchup.  Karine was pleasantly surprised at how warmly she and other first-timers were received.  “It was easy to relate with other people, there was no pressure at all!  Everyone was so welcoming!”  James agrees, stating, “I felt at home, I felt like I found a new group of people where I belonged.”
At intermission it was time for the All Habs Trivia Challenge, which focused on Habs vs. Flyers history.  Jay Farrar took over the microphone from behind the bar and led the entire pub through the Trivia Challenge (with some jokes along the way of course!).
The competition was tough but after the results were tallied we had quite a few winners!  Prizes included tickets to the Habs Hall of Fame and gift certificates to McLean’s Pub.  Even our server-extraordinaire Adrienne won a Habs car flag!
But we didn’t stop there – other participants were awarded for having “alternative” prize potential.  A t-shirt honouring the participant who answered every question with the same answer went to Katherine.
It also pays to NOT win!  The award for the person who had answered the most questions incorrectly was a signed Toronto Blue Jays baseball.
And finally the prize for the most creative answers went to Karine. “I had no clue what to write, so I decided to go with funny answers.”  Looks like it paid off!
Even though the evening didn’t end with a Canadiens win, James says it was a definitely a night to remember.  “It was an experience I will never forget, and I look forward to future All Habs Hockey Parties!”
Luckily there isn’t long to wait since the next All Habs Hockey Party at McLean’s Pub is Saturday, April 7th for the Habs vs Leafs game, which is the final game of the regular season.  You don’t want to miss out on all the fun!  Be sure to click HERE to RSVP and reserve your seat at the best Habs fan event around!
And don’t worry, the All Habs crew celebrates hockey 365 days a year, so be sure to follow @All_Habs and @habstweetup on Twitter to stay updated on Hockey Party announcements for events throughout the summer!
Check out the complete photo album from this event by clicking HERE!
Photo credits:  Pablo Ortiz

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About the Author

About the Author: Rick Stephens is the Editor-in-Chief of Hockey Pub.. .


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